I have been out of broadband internet reach lately and that's why couldn't write much. Anyways its been December already and almost 2 months in hand for the aspirant to chase there dream of being an IITian. On our Facebook group for GATE, someone asked, "How many still reading textbook?" Well I think this is importantly irrelevant question.
At this moment, I urge to remind you one line which you must have heard like infinite times while preparing for GATE. "In GATE, they ask question based on basic concepts." Yes, this statement is absolutely correct. They ask problems and theoretical question based on basic only. If basic has such prime importance then why to stop reading books especially if you reading textbooks.
I, myself, prefer to read textbook and solve problems. Right now I am in middle of my examination of M.Tech. But once I am done with the semester examination ie. from 15th Dec, I will again continue my journey from GATE 2013. In those last 50 days, I will follow 1 : 2 ratio principle, which already helped me in cracking GATE 2012 examination.
1 : 2 Ratio Principle in preparation :
It's a basic principle and there is not so great about it. It says if you study (to be precise, read books) for 'x' hours then you must solve the problems (on what you studied/read) '2x' hours. This technique helps to get very good insight of what you have studied after giving '3x' hours.
Disclaimer : Since now I got broadband internet connection, I will posting very often you keep you motivated. Kindly give your THANKS by making comments or suggestions on the blog. It takes only a couple of minutes to comment. Help me grow as per the aspirant requirement