Now-a-days I have been working 18-19 hours per day making notes, taking lecture or find myself eating to keep my body running. (:P) More over I got a huge pile of test papers to check and household activity to do. In this busy schedule, whenever I get few seconds for me, I do talk to a good friend or may be I take my laptop out and go on facebook to have a look. But the most interesting thing is I am liking this busy schedules and heck-tick routine from 6 am to 8 pm. All that matter is I am happy with what I am doing.
But, I am moving away from my engineering field and I don't want to do that. I have my own dream to achieve and cherish them into a Gift Of A Life. So planning to get back on my track. Though it is confirm, I will take up Master's Course next year and will get my Master's degree in next 3 years from now. But before that I wanna design something relevant to sell and set up my own Company. I got few projects in my mind, mostly dealing with up coming technologies and engineering works.
I love Teaching, but I dont wanna choose my liking about teaching as my life long profession in which I dont have time for my family.
Anyways I will keep posting about my work and projects in this blog as well as keep converting my practical life to cyber world.